Happy 6months


For a long time i didn't update any news about my life. So here is the new entry entitled "6months we know each other" which mean, all off the things that i love in my life. Alhamdulillah, thanks God for this happiness and thanks to Aina Sahira who gave me many chance to prove my loyalty towards her. 

Dear my lovely,

I want to talk to you, i want to see you, i want to go to the local park with you and sit next to each other on a bench near the fountain. We can swing our legs back and forth, look down at our toes and smile awkwardly to ourselves. I want to blush with you. I want to wonder if you're going to take my hand, hold it, put your arm around me, make any sort of move. I want to have a first kiss with you, a very gentle one. I want to come over to your house and meet your parents. I want you to spend a holiday with me. I want to walk somewhere with you. I want to spend time with you. I want to hug you, feel your smooth skin. I want to smile at you. I want you to smile at me. I just want you and please marry me sayang :') Don't push me to leave cause i know i can't. Thanks for being apart of my life almost half of year. May God bless our relation till the end.