She's mine :')


Today i wanna update about someone special. Listen, shut up and read. Lol hahahaha ~.~

There are so many people every day that help us and we don’t stop to thank them or see how our lives could’ve been different. We all have someone we look up to and want to be like, but we sometimes don’t know quite who that person is, but we know they are there somewhere. We may not realize how much they impacted our life until we stop to look at what our life might have been like without them. It doesn’t matter if they are a family member or someone special. We wouldn’t be where we are today if it wasn’t for that one special person....

Here's my story begin...

This is all about someone who has always been there for me and whom i have very strong feelings for. That girl is Aina Sahira Ahmad Akhir. For sure Aina is very important for me because not only as my girlfriend, she's also my bestfriend as well! Even thought we are still in a young relationship, we have act like a couple years relay. We know each other and making a stupid joke all time. I love this way :')

Dear Aina, 

Do you know my heart stuck when i see your name? Really amazing! Sometimes i just feel this world so much fair to me :D as to why i love you and i can't tell how much my love for you! Just Infinity :* my dear, have i ever told you how much your smile lights my day up? and have i ever told that one simple conversation could make my day? Even i feel down, got scolded by my parents, your smile would raise my spirits sayang :') Just a few simple comforting words would send me elated over the moon. Hihihi, if only you knew the affect you have on me!

No matter what, i'll always keep you in my heart. As long as you love me too :) I hope you are not the first but the last one in my heart. Stay in my cage forever~ 

Again sayang, thanks for loving me. This 1/11/2012 will always be on my mind, and counting...counting...counting...until my last breath <3

LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE i really mean it :)