Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thank you for all those times you stood by my side. For the truth that you made me see. The joy you brought to my life. For every dream that you made come true. The love you brought, that I found in you. I'll be forever thankful. You are my strength when im weak. You are my eyes when I couldn’t see. The true meaning of love. You give me faith. Faith in our relationship that we could work. You’ve been my inspiration. Through all the lies you were the truth. My world is a betta place because of you. Your love is like a scar. Something you can’t just get rid of a scar that’s part of you forever. What we share is something special and something others can only dream and wish to have. Few ever find the love of their life. Guess you can say I’m one of that few. I’m only happy when I spend the day with you. When I’m in your arms you’d know by the look in my eyes that I only want to be with you. Be by your side through thick and thin. I want to comfort your sorrow, your pain and to share joy and to wipe your tears. I have no doubts that you’re the one for me. God can only take us further in this relationship and the times I spent with you have been special. Nothing I imagine matches the days I spent with you. Loving you is all I want. Only you can make me feel complete. I’m committed through thick and thin and the thought of us is always savor. Can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you sayang. I LOVE YOU Aina Sahira