Spm Victim 2013

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Secret to success :

Work hard : There is no other way for student as me. No shortcuts and easy way to achieve an excellence results as we know that nowadays students who got straight A's is everywhere and i still cant put my higher confident to be like one of them, i've a lot of weakness but its not the reason for me to give up before try it. And now, i'm busy to make last preparation cause what make me scared when trial spm is getting near day by day. The truth is it is tiring to learn all those facts and knowledges but i have to do it. Hmmm I just believe that there is no miracle and luck without His will.

I need to do a lots and lots exercise as i know that i cant score Physics as well :( Sometimes i feel give up and keep blaming myself. But my strength (Aina) is always by my side, no matter how hard this life she will bring me light and joy to forget my stressful day. How lucky i am? 

I was still playing around, texting, calling, tweeting, blogging, ignoring the fact that SPM and Trial just around the corner. I know i was sooo.......idiot!! If only i started everything earlier, maybe my physics marks would not be as "Atas pagar" again and again. Idiot, you've learn that subject about two years why you still dont understand each formula????!!!!! Sigh! Haihh, i should wake up start from now, you've no time dear self :(